Aastik made his 1st
visit to Metro Walk on 17th Sep 2011, when he was about 8.5 months
old. Interestingly, last time my baby visited Metro Walk when he was 8.5 months
old inside me.
My baby is eating less these days
may be because of teething irritation. I have tried making different things for
him but he spits almost everything out. All, he likes eating is brown bread and
a little milk.
Aastik is not well these days
suffering from runny nose, cough and fever. This might be because of teething
or from his cousin sisters, who are suffering from viral fever. He is crankier
and doesn’t stops crying. I have to take him out in pram to pacify him. One
night, his Dadu took him and me for a drive just to make him sleep.
My small wonder wants freedom now
and loves crawling on floor but I don’t leave him on floor much because he is
suffering from cold. He also loves standing at the back of the bed and pulling
our photos. He loves doing masti at night when he sees everyone around. Seeing
his Dadu climbing stairs at night, he starts crying to go in his lap. I must
say, Dadu is his favorite these days.